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London's Buzzing

Why Bees?

Bees are part of our everyday life. They give us healthy and nutritious products such as Royal Jelly, Propolis, Pollen and Honey. Bees are also absolutely crucial to the pollinating process. The survival of more than 80% of the World's plant species and 84% of commercial crops in Europe rely on bees. 90% of commercial crops worldwide require pollination by insects to grow fruit and reproduce and the honeybee is one the most effective. Bees pollinate most fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges, strawberries, onions, carrots, etc.They also pollinate nuts, sunflowers and oil-seed rape. Coffee, soya beans, clovers, animal feed such as alfalfa and maize and even cotton are all dependent on honeybee pollination to increase yields. Honeybees are vital to the everyday mechanics of ecosystems, plant and animal diversity and to the food production process. Most importantly, bees are exceptional biological indicators and environmental control officers in their own right and their current worldwide decline is our primary indicator that there is a major imbalance in the natural world.
London's Buzzing is helping to redress this in several ways.

A Bee in the Hand...

If we want to save the honeybees, we need to change our attitudes towards them and discard the notion of bees being killer insects and other stinging insects or 'parasitic' organisms as being something that need to be exterminated by an environmental health officer. We need to help Nature, not interfere with her.This means looking at holistic ways to evolve honeybees to co-exist with the varroa mite. The mite is merely an indication that honeybees have become too weak to fight off diseases because of our inbreeding, misfeeding and maltreatment of them. Bees get sick when they are depressed and run down - just like we do. Help London's Buzzing build a Bee Sanctuary that is sustainable for bees and that will promote urban natural bee care.

Did you know that...

...a worker bee weighs around 80mg and can carry around 70mg of nectar?
...a bee will only make 0.42ml of honey in its lifetime ...?
...and so it would take556 bees to gather 1 lb of honey from 1 million flowers?
...during the summer season, the queen bee will lay up to 2,500 eggs a day?
...microbes cannot grow in honey?
...the oldest bee ever found is 100 million years old?
...honeybees are the only insects who produce food eaten by man?
...the honeybee has the densest neuropile tissue of any animal?
...honey and propolis are the only foods to contain pinocembrin?
...honey is the only food that contains all substances necessary to sustain life, including enzymes,vitamins, minerals, and water?
...that the bee's brain is oval in shape and only the size of a sesame seed, yet it has remarkable capacity to learn and remember,is able to make highly complex calculations on distance travelled and foraging efficiency?
...bees vote on when to swarm, or which food sourceto concentrate on by moving nearer to the proposer they support?

> More interesting bee-related facts


Please use the donate button below to make a donation via Paypal. Any amount you can afford will be put towards the honeybee sanctuary and urban natural beekeeping as well as finding natural, sustainable ways to protect the honeybee.

Subpages (5): About Us Bee Mission Natural Beekeeping survey